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Linnéa- Mamma till Ebba & Sixten♥

Välkommen till en utav Norrbottens största bloggar! Jag som driver bloggen heter Linnéa och bor tillsammans med min fästman och våra två barn i ett hus ute på landet. Jag blev mamma redan som 17åring till dottern Ebba som föddes Jan -07 och i Dec -13 så föddes lillebror Sixten♡ Älskar barnkläder, inredning och att fotografera. Ni hittar mig ofta i stallet med dottern där vi pysslar med hästarna. Kontakt eller samarbeten: [email protected]

Grönt till trädgården


Sixten sover sen ett bra tag tillbaka, han hade inte sovit någon lunch idag på dagis så han var inge vidare pigg eller glad heller för den delen!

Ebba ser sommarlov på Barnkanalen och jag ska gå ut till trädgården och plantera lite ”fusk plantor” som jag köpte på blomsterlandet tidigare idag. Timjan, citronmeliss och mynta fick följa med hem! 

8 Kommentarer

  1. يعد تنظيف الفلل أمرًا مهمًا للحفاظ على نظافة وصحة الأفراد الذين يقيمون فيها. يمكن أن يؤدي عدم تنظيف الفلل بانتظام إلى تراكم الأتربة والأوساخ والرواسب على الأسطح والزوايا، ويمكن أن يؤدي ذلك إلى تكاثر الحشرات والبكتيريا والفطريات التي يمكن أن تؤثر على صحة الأفراد وتسبب مشاكل صحية. لذا، يجب على أصحاب الفلل الاهتمام بتنظيفها بشكل دوري باستخدام المنظفات المناسبة والأدوات اللازمة، ويمكنهم الاستعانة بشركات التنظيف المتخصصة للحصول على نتائج مثالية.
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    تشهد منطقة جازان جنوب المملكة العربية السعودية، استخداماً كثيفاً لمبيدات الحشرات والأعشاب الضارة في الزراعة والحدائق والمناطق الصناعية، حيث يتم رشها بشكل دوري للحفاظ على نمو النباتات والزراعات والحد من انتشار الحشرات الضارة. ويتم تنفيذ عمليات الرش بإجراءات وقواعد صارمة لتجنب التأثير على الصحة العامة والبيئة، وتوفير منتجات زراعية ذات جودة عالية وصحية للاستهلاك المحلي والتصدير.

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  2. There are many things to do in Yunnan – a landlocked province in the southwest of the People’s Republic of China. The province spans approximately 394,000 km2 (152,000 sq mi) and has a population of 48.3 million (as of 2018). The capital of the province is Kunming. The province borders the Chinese provinces of Guizhou, Sichuan, autonomous regions of Guangxi, and Tibet as well as Southeast Asian countries: Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar. Yunnan is China’s fourth least developed province based on disposable income per capita in 2014.

    Yunnan is situated in a mountainous area, with high elevations in the northwest and low elevations in the southeast. Most of the population lives in the eastern part of the province. In the west, the altitude can vary from the mountain peaks to river valleys by as much as 3,000 m (9,800 ft). Yunnan is rich in natural resources and has the largest diversity of plant life in China. Of the approximately 30,000 species of higher plants in China, Yunnan has perhaps 17,000 or more. Yunnan’s reserves of aluminium, lead, zinc and tin are the largest in China, and there are also major reserves of copper and nickel. Historically, the southwestern Silk Road to Bhitargarh in Bangladesh passed through modern Yunnan.

    Parts of Yunnan formed the Dian Kingdom during the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. The Han dynasty conquered the Dian Kingdom in the late 2nd century BC, establishing the Yizhou Commandery in its place. During the chaos of the Three Kingdoms period, imperial Chinese authority in Yunnan weakened, and much of the region came under the control of the Cuanman. The area was later ruled by the Sino-Tibetan-speaking kingdom of Nanzhao (738–937), followed by the Bai-ruled Dali Kingdom (937–1253). After the Mongol conquest of the region in the 13th century, Yunnan was conquered and ruled by the Ming dynasty.

    From the Yuan dynasty onward, the area was part of a central-government sponsored population movement towards the southwestern frontier, with two major waves of migrants arriving from Han-majority areas in northern and southeast China. As with other parts of China’s southwest, Japanese occupation in the north during World War II forced another migration of Han people into the region. These two waves of migration contributed to Yunnan being one of the most ethnically diverse provinces of China, with ethnic minorities accounting for about 34 percent of its total population. Major ethnic groups include Yi, Bai, Hani, Zhuang, Dai, and Miao. Yunnan has also been identified as ”the birthplace of tea … the first area where humans figured out that eating tea leaves or brewing a cup could be pleasant”, and as the region of origin of the genus Cannabis plant.

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